Version details
1.12 (14-Oct-2015)
- changes in tagging mechanism. All metadata now threats as custom metadata (i.e. mirrored in tech fields and searched only there). Metadata filling in regular case now goes only on track add: if track does not exist yet then used meta overriding or title parsing rule. After this the clip URL changes to - and stores in - the canonical form that planned to be used as a key in the storages of common clip data (already working example of one of these - thumbnails cache). This is a step toward the switch in further versions to custom database storage for properties (all these properties which currently are stored in tech fields)
- option for video frame show/hide was separated to two options (for show and for hide), provided actions was extended. 'Manual' there means that appropriate action will never be initiated automatically i.e. can be initiated only manually by the user. 'Hide after first track' means hide at end of the current track whatever the track type is. 'Hide after last video track' means keep it visible while the site clips are playing and hide if playback was switched to any other track type or if playback was stopped
- option to control mouse auto-hide in video frame
- option to initially turn on subtitles. Will turn on only embedded subtitles (i.e. lyrics from foo_uie_lyrics3 are not taken into account in this case)
- option for selecting fullscreen monitor i.e. which monitor to use when video enters full screen mode. Available only for multi-monitor environment. Can be selected explicit monitor or 'Current' which means monitor where the video frame was placed before going to full screen
- video-related titleformatting fields. Added %video_playback_state% ('Opening...', 'Stopped' etc) and %video_file_stats% (quality info of the video selected for playback). Video frame fallback text now generates only using titleformatting. Option to turn it off removed (specify empty rule instead this)
- video turn on/of without restart. Playback restart on next track still goes only when video is enabled so after turn on it may be unsynchronised
- in video context menu added command to stop video without window close. Also at manual video reopen (through Source popup menu in video context menu) now can be selected previously selected quality
- prevent monitor turn off while video is playing. Can be disabled through component Advanced preferences
- video support for m-TAGS files. Thus both audio and video playback in these files are available now. Album Art absence does not relate to component. Other features refer to custom tech fields, m-TAGS ignores tech info fields ('by design') so they will not be available
- removed switch to runtime config in LAV Filters (as not required currently). In terms of usage this means that LAV Filters will use current settings instead of default so now can be used H/W decoding as well as other embedded LAV Filters features
- respect foobar2000 quiet mode
- fixed inability to play clips after several hours of the first time when they was opened. Background: The info displayed in 'Youtube Source - History' intended not only for theoretical purposes. Since some version ago it represents analysis cache - several recent clips for which URLs to media files already determined and will not be determined again if these clips will be opened. It had no expiration control so after some time the info becomes outdated and refuses by the server. Now this is fixed, the info has lifetime period (which can be changed though Advanced component preferences)
- fixed crash at opening in specific case and freeze at opening in two other specific cases
Changelog Version details